Meditation is an important part of a healthy life. Here are some 3-minute exercises you can use as your daily meditation practice, or whenever you need a boost of strength, confidence, or calm. These exercises are great for all age groups and are lovely to enjoy as a family.

Breathe in Strength and Confidence Meditation

Make this one as short or as you like, just a few breaths or 5-10 minutes.

Floating in Space Meditation

This exercise is one we teach to primary school-aged children but it’s great for all ages, grownups love it too!

Candle Flame Meditation

This exercise is best done with a candle lit in front of you, sometimes watching something move helps us to focus.


These short recordings are suitable for all ages. Many families enjoy using them together.

They are good for daily mindfulness practice.
MindPower exercises all have a specific purpose and are used to teach mental skills effectively.

This story is particularly suitable for 3-8 year olds:

Atul the monkey and his friends use MindPower

This story is great for 8-13 year olds:

Eric the elf farmer gets a snowy surprise

This is the MindPower exercise that relates to Eric’s story:

Happy Tree MindPower